Fundraising with 147

Saturday, April 16, 2011

At the very core of who we are...

This time last week, James and I were recuperating from the craziness of getting two teenage girls ready for prom.  I took Caitlin and Lauren to get their hair done by someone else.  You would think being the mom of three girly~girls, I'd have the hang of the up-do.  I don't!  Can't even french braid. 

So we went to the Paul Mitchell school and were quite impressed with the finished product and as mom, I was SO VERY THANKFUL there would be less stress in our house later that afternoon.  Being the mom of three girly~ girls I can say we have had quite the drama over the years,  when it comes time for everyone trying to primp and do their thing in front of the mirror.  

It was actually a pleasant day.  The girls amazed me at how they helped each other; Lauren even hiked her dress up, sat in the floor and put on Caitlin's shoes.  I loved it!  Caitlin was great sharing her sweet day with her little sister.  Make NO MISTAKE it was Caitlin's special day.... her 1st prom, her SENIOR prom and she was beautiful.  Lauren too, was stunning.  She was on a date though, someone else's Senior prom. 

James was awesome!  He helped the girls with the details of their dresses, corsages, moving furniture, having fans to cool them off... I couldn't help but to think of what he'd be like on their wedding days.... He loves his girls and wants the their special life events to be the best he can provide.  He is always taking care of us; we are truly blessed!

The girls had a great time.  Obviously Lauren had to be home by 12:00 (pretty late for her) and Caitlin went to the after prom party and breakfast.  Funny thing, our girls have curfews and I thought I'd be a nervous wreck... we have instilled the best of us,  in our girls.  Have we made mistakes? you better believe it!  Do we have it all together?  No way!   Do they know they are treasured and loved?  With out a doubt  (at least on a good day, haha). 

Our roles in their lives will always be mom and dad.  By no means have we stopped parenting Caitlin; the roles have shifted some.  She is 18, an adult.  I believe she has a wise head on her shoulders, she knows the difference between right and wrong and most importantly she has a relationship with her Savior.  At the very core of who Caitlin is, she knows WHOSE she is.  That my friend, brings this mommy's heart peace!

Caitlin brought home her cap & gown yesterday, we've been addressing invitations and believe me she knows the exact days and hours she has left at Seigel High School.  I can't believe my baby girl is grown up!  where does the time go?  It honestly feels like I just graduated... and my 20th class reunion is coming up.  She is her mamma's daughter and I know she will make her own choices.  I pray she will choose wise, I pray she will seek, pray and listen to the One who created her and loves her more than life itself. 

Okay, I need to shift gears, this momma is a little emotional these days.  Emily wasn't here for the prom festivities... we missed her, she would have been a great assistant to the girls.  She does have a giving heart. She was putting that giving spirit to great use at a weekend event called "Arms Around Smyrna".  It's a weekend where our middle school youth come together and serve our community.   Emily planted flowers, helped throw a carnival/bbq for some great kiddos in a neighborhood, she went to the local nursing home and painted fingernails... and she loved it!  

My girls all loved being apart of this weekend at one point in time.  I love we attend a church that does lead by example and invest in our youth.  I  pray my girls will ALWAYS put the needs of others before their own.  I pray our family will always be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone in our path.  That it will be as natural as breathing & blinking... just what we do because it's who we are ~ at the very core of who we  are~

On the adoption front, it's going to be awhile.  We are waiting on approval from Immigration at this point and were told that whole process could take a couple of months and then we'd move to the next process.  It's my understanding the courts will shut down for a few months around September, for the rainy season.  So we are just taking it step by step, and are good with it.  God puts little things on our path each day that remind us He is in control and He is on this journey with us... His timing will be perfect! 

Thank you for the prayers!  Thank you for the support!  We are still selling necklaces, they will make great Easter gifts, Mother's Day gifts and just the "I am helping bring a boy to his forever family" it's for me gift.  One thing I'm learning is that with each new process, you write and send a sweet little check.  "Thank you God for always providing".  We have complete trust He will continue to do so!  James is on call, as I type.

Enjoy the pics!


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